Divvy Systems HQ - Dakota Dunes, South Dakota - USA
About Divvy Systems
For the past 20 years, Divvy Systems' has been responsible for designing and manufacturing millions of computers. In fact, our South Dakota roots originated at Gateway Computer, where key members of our executive team were responsible for Gateway's laptop division. We know what is takes to make a great product that is reliable, solidly built, and affordable. Divvy Systems is currently one of the largest manufacturers of cryptomining machines in the Midwest, and we are the exclusive provider of cryptominers for Barefoot Mining, the largest cryptomining hosting company in the upper Midwest. We believe in the emerging cryptocurrency industry, and we exist to support the technologies that will take blockchain and cryptocurrency well into the future.
Our TEam
CEO - Bob Burnett
Former Chief Technology Officer and EVP of Products at Gateway, Inc. with 30+ years of experience - Bob managed a global team of 4,000 employees and led the company’s expansion into plasma TV’s, LCD TV’s, and MP3 players. Bob also pioneered Gateway’s entry into the laptop computing market, growing the business to over $1B in annual sales. Most recently, Bob served as Senior Vice President of Proxibid, overseeing their subsidiary, Divvy.
Vice President - Keith Thomas
30+ years experience in engineering, technology, and business start-ups – Keith was the director of desktop engineering at Gateway, leading the design and development of their consumer desktop products for 13 years. Additionally, Keith has worked with multiple audio, TV, and PC manufacturers, as well GE and Siemens on their robotics development. Keith has a Masters in Electrical Engineering from SDSM&T.
CFO - Mike Graves
28+ years of experience in finance and accounting - Mike has held various positions with a number of prominent businesses, including 4 years with Deloitte as their Senior Tax Accountant, and 8 years as the finance director for Gateway Computer. Mike is the co-owner of Fitch & Graves, a full-service accounting firm in Sioux City, Iowa. Mike is a graduate of the University of South Dakota.
Director of Cryptomining Operations - Denis Lueders
30+ years experience of customer service, technical support center management and consulting – Denis was the former general manager of Gateway Computer’s Sioux Falls facility. In 1997, Denis relocated to New Mexico to open Gateway’s technical support center and served as general manager. Denis earned a BS in Industrial Management & Information Systems, and an MBA from the University of New Mexico, Anderson School of Management.